فلوشیپ جراحی سرطان در تهران

best breast cancer surgeon in orlando

best breast cancer surgeon in orlando

best breast cancer surgeon in orlando

In Orlando, there are several highly regarded breast cancer surgeons and centers that provide comprehensive care:

  1. Dr. Danielle A. Henry at the Orlando Health Cancer Institute is a board-certified general surgeon with specialized training in breast surgical oncology. She has extensive experience in managing high-risk breast cancer patients and is involved in various professional organizations related to breast surgery​
    Orlando Health


  2. Dr. Shenin Sachedina at the Central Florida Breast Center offers a range of services for both benign and malignant breast conditions. With over 25 years of experience, she emphasizes a comprehensive approach to breast care, including advanced diagnostic and treatment options​
    My Breast Doc


  3. AdventHealth Cancer Institute has a dedicated Breast Cancer Program that provides a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, offering access to innovative therapies and clinical trials. Their team includes specialists in various aspects of breast cancer care​


These centers and surgeons are known for their commitment to patient care and the latest advancements in breast cancer treatment. If you’re looking for more detailed information or to schedule a consultation, you might consider reaching out directly to these facilities.

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